Wilson Investigation Network offers a variety of private investigation services.
Whether you’re worried about a cheating spouse or battling for custody of a minor child, the team at WIN can obtain the information you need to prevail in court and obtain peace of mind in your personal life.
With nearly 30 years’ experience in law enforcement and private investigation, Wilson Investigation Network can reconstruct accidents, search and locate persons or assets, and perform thorough criminal or civil investigations that uncover the truth.
Additionally, WIN uses a variety of technologies to perform surveillance and protect you from surveillance by others. If you need any of the services listed below, set up a Free Consultation to discuss your specific situation.
Private Investigation Expertise
Spousal Infidelity/Cheating
Is your spouse or partner working late, ignoring your calls or texts? Have they dramatically changed their appearance? Are they always on their phone or have a second phone you don’t know about? Are they avoiding you and coming home at all hours, if at all? Your spouse could be cheating on you. We have the tools to uncover the truth about your partner.
Child Custody
Having your child or children taken away from you is a heart-wrenching experience. The WIN team will go to great lengths to make sure your children are safe and your rights as a parent are protected.
Criminal Private Investigation
After two decades as a police officer, Grady Wilson now investigates for criminal defendants. His intimate knowledge of investigative techniques and biases along with his ability to uncover the truth help build a credible defense for clients.

Asset Search Investigation
These searches uncover potentially hidden bank accounts, property, financial history or other hidden assets. Asset investigations are used to help individuals in personal injury cases, collect from debtors, and verify finances during a divorce or child support case.
Search & Locate
Have you lost touch with a relative or a person in your life from years ago? WIN will use all available resources to track them down so you can reconnect.
Criminal, Civil, FraudWhatever the reason for surveillance, WIN can track, record and document the movement of an individual and their possible illegal or immoral actions.

Accident Reconstruction
Vehicle accidents can be devastating with many factors contributing to who may be at fault. Grady Wilson’s accident reconstruction background will provide clarity to a potentially murky situation and put an end to debate.
Background Checks
It’s important to know who you’re dealing with. Whether it’s a spouse or love interest, prospective tenant, new employee or business partner, let us get the scoop for you. Background checks can include MVR, bank records, liens, previous addresses and criminal records.
Closed Circuit TV
Installation is available for clients who want to protect their home or business.

Technical Surveillance
WIN can use the latest technologies like GPS tracking, hidden cameras and discreet audio recording devices to build evidence in your case.
Technical Surveillance Counter Measures
Concerned you’re being watched, tracked or recorded? WIN can check for hidden cameras, audio recorders and GPS trackers to protect you from surveillance.